Tuesday, 2 April 2013


I've only been wanting to start writing a proper blog for what feels like forever, and it's only taken me forever to actually do it.  Yeah, cool story bro.

What are you actually meant to write in your first post? Do you just launch into it? That seems rude, like gate crashing a party, barreling up to the nearest guest and yarning about that local sports team as if it's no big deal, without so much as an introduction. I've had a spy through some of my favourite blogs to see what the general consensus is and it seems that there is none. So, in lieu of any guidelines, I give you a short introduction to... me. 

I'm ellie. I prefer the way my name looks with a lower case 'e'. I'm 28 and first attempted a blog when I was 19. I really regret not having carried on with that, to be honest as by now I'd be almost ten years in the game and not feeling my way through a fairly tragic first post. However I just read through that first blog attempt again and it was basically a diary. Less than interesting to anyone but me. So, so interesting to read my 19 (through 21) year old thoughts now, though; things that I thought were hugely important (of course) turned out to be mere blips on the radar in the grand scheme of things. I digress. I definitely hoped that by the time I was 28 I'd have a few things sorted, including enough disposable income to buy the things I lusted after, but alas this was not to be. Turns out I'm 28, have spent the last eight years travelling and doing whatever the heck I wanted with no regrets, but no real money in the bank, either.  So that's me.

I'm still not a hundred percent about what 'type' of blog this will be. I expect I'll loosely term it 'Lifestyle', in order to cover the inevitable random topics that I'll write about for the next wee while and cross my fingers that a direction will become obvious.  I like make up.  And hair.  And food.  And music.  And I'm pretending to like exercising.  So there's any number of things that I could go on about.  I can barely contain myself.  The world is my oyster.  It's just that I'm battling to shuck it, but hey, every day's a school day (I long for the school day when I learn how to open a bottle with a lighter.  WHEN WILL I FINALLY GET THAT?).

So here goes nothing. It can only get better, no?  I mean, probably.  Like, surely it can't get worse? 

Hello.  Here I am.

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