Wednesday 17 July 2013


SERIOUSLY BLOGGING CHALLENGE WHAT IS THIS Y U NO STOP GOING ON ABOUT SINGLE-ISM?  Today I get to write about my  "current relationship; if single, discuss how single life is".

I feel like my previous posts have covered this a little lot.  I am forever alone and right now I am okay with that.  The alone part.  I'm hopeful that the forever part is just something I've added in for the lolz/dramaz and it won't actual eventuate.  That's probable.  Right?  

I enjoy single-town at the moment because I'm pretty sure I have fuck all time to do the things that I want to do, without considering someone else and what they want to do and spending time together and snooze-snooze-snoozathon-blah-blah-blah-yawn-relationship.  I do the work thing a lot, and the working out thing (as of recently), and the mentor thing, and as of this week the Uni thing part time, and currently the blogging thing.  On top of that I have mooching about time, sleeping time, party time, shopping time etc and boyfriend time simply does not fit the equation.  

Anyway, so obvs relationship life is sweet (because you get a partner that writes poetry like this, right?) and you get someone who is always there and shit but on the flip side they are ALWAYS THERE and shit.  As previously mentioned, while I don't want to feel alone, I like to be alone so the thought of someone always being there gives me the heebie jeebies.  I would like to have someone 'on tap', as it were, because I am selfish and only care about myself, but am very aware that nobody wants to be that person for me because that would be shitty as fuck.  

And thus, because I am selfish and want to do what I want, all the time, I am (and thankfully, because really, I don't have a choice) at peace with being of the singular variety.  Currently.  

In other news, I'd like to say a big "fuck you" to squats, and squat thrusts.  

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