Monday 22 July 2013


I really love my great face.  This is why
I have so many boyfriends.  Obvs.
Today is Day 16 and I have to (yeah someone is definitely forcing me to do this) write about three things that I like about my personality.  I'm not going to lie, I'm struggling with this.  Not in a pity party way, more in a it's not really a kiwi thing to get out there and toot your own horn way.  And the more I think about it, the more I realise that the things I like about myself are sometimes the things that I'm not that keen on, at the same time. Ah, the complications of being human.  Particularly of a female variety, I think.  

So.  Three things.

ONE: I'm good at doing things for the lolz.  I like laughing, I like making other people laugh and I like making potentially shit situations funny.  I'm a pretty firm believer in the phrase "if you can't do anything about it, laugh like hell".  Oh you bet I'll laugh like hell.  And I'll make sure I laugh doubly loud to make it even more funny.  I like that being able to crack some lolz is an easy way to break the ice and get people talking, and I'm (often) able to do it.  Cool as, you gaaaiiz.  

TWO: I'm beginning to believe in my ability to change shit that I don't like.  This is something that I've only learned recently, and I'm not always successful but I'm getting better.  I'm learning to recognise that a lot of the things that I whinge about (and as a girl, I'm a born whinger) are things that I can change, and learning to actively take steps to change them.  Feel like I'm getting dumber in my old age?  Back to uni I go.  Feeling like a fat lump?  Hello diet/exercise changes.  Need to meet new people?  Start saying yes to invitations.  Booyah.  Life is on the up and up, bishes.

THREE: I'm a good listener.  I don't know what it is, but people tell me shit.  Shit that makes them go "jaysus I don't know why I just spilled that to you, I haven't told anyone about that".  As in, I've had several people make remarks to that effect when talking to me.  I'm not really one for dishing out unsolicited advice, but if you ask me, I'll do my best to tell it to you straight.  While I can't sort out my own life, baby you best believe I know exactly what you should be doing with yours.  But if advice is not what you seek, you can just vent at my face and I'll make active listening noises and nothing else.  Word.

I love me!  Yeah baby!  I'm the bomb!  Self-esteem!  Because you're worth it!  L'Oreal!  Wait, what?

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